Property Searches
Local Authorities maintain a large amount of data about properties in their area. Searches of these records, 'Local Authority Searches', provide essential information for conveyancers and homebuyers.

Our guide to Property Searches
Land Data’s Independent Guide to Property Searches, gives an overview of the different types of searches and what they contain. The Government advises homebuyers to read our guide in its How to Buy a Home, on Gov.uk.
What is contained in a Local Authority Search?
A “standard” Local Authority search is comprised of an LLC1 (a request for a search of the Local Land Charges Register) plus a CON29 questionnaire. Some searches also include some or all of the optional CON29O questions.
The Official Certificate of Search
This reveals the entries on the Local Land Charges Register. This would include (if applicable to the property):
Tree preservation orders
Listed buildings status
Conservation areas since 1974
Smoke control areas
Conditional planning permissions
Community Infrastructure Levy charges
Article 4 Directions
Financial charges registered against the property
Planning Enforcement Notices

Personal Searches
The Local Land Charges Act 1975 defines a ‘personal search’ as an inspection of the Local Land Charges Register. Historically a Register was maintained by every Local Authority across England and Wales. However they are now being gradually moved to HM Land Registry's Central Register.
A personal search (as described above) will not provide the necessary information required to answer forms CON29 or CON29O.