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The Boothroyd Outstanding Contribution Award

This award takes its lead from the late Jan Boothroyd, an inspirational, compassionate and talented woman, who dedicated her career to Local Land Charges and led Land Data for 12 years before losing her battle to cancer in 2024.

Supported by Land Data, this award encourages nominations for exceptional individuals who are doing more than the day job – they are committed to making a real difference in Local Land Charges.

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There is no time-frame for eligibility for this award. The nominee could have been in post for 3 years or 30 years – it is their personal attributes that are important, not length of time in post. Award entries can draw on achievements, actions and evidence from the nominee’s entire Local Land Charges career.

Enter this award by filling in the entry form - the word limit for each is 250 words. Please note that it is the quality of each answer that is important, rather than the length. No attachments or supporting evidence are required at this stage.

The deadline for applications is 29th November 2024. A shortlist will be announced in February 2025.

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